Apa sixth edition reference format

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APA 6 & 7 Comparison Tables This guide includes links to the Writing Center's pages on APA style.

APA 6 & 7 Comparison Tables

Many students come to Walden having used APA 6 in their previous education programs.

These comparison tables offer highlights of some changes between APA 6 and APA 7, which students may find helpful in transitioning to APA 7. Note that these are not comprehensive tables of all changes between the two editions, but the table highlights the most common changes students will use in their writing at Walden.

Download a PDF version of these tables.

Topic APA 6 (location and old guideline) APA 7 (location and new guideline) Paper title length 2.01: Recommended title length is no more than 12 words. 2.4: No prescribed limit for title length (though recommendation for conciseness). Title formatting 2.1: Title in regular type (not bold).

2.4: Title in bold type.

There is an institutional variation for titles in doctoral capstone documents (i.e., dissertations, doctoral studies, or projects): The title is in plain type. Doctoral capstone students should refer to the APA 7 template for their program posted on the Doctoral Capstone Form and Style Programs page after June 1 to see this Walden institutional variation in place.

Tables and Figures

Updated July 14, 2020.

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