On December 6, 2022, Gov. Scott announced that the State of Vermont has contracted with The Hartford to create the Vermont Family and Medical Leave Insurance Plan (VT-FMLI). Like the New Hampshire paid family and medical leave (PFML), only state employees are required to participate in VT-FMLI, and their benefits will start in July 2023. Private and non-state public employers with 10 or more employees who work an average of 30 hours/week may choose to participate in VT-FMLI's parental leave program. Private and non-state public employers with 15 or more employees may opt into VT-FMLI's family leave program beginning in 2024. On July 1, 2025, the program will expand to allow eligible individual employees, including self-employed Vermonters, to purchase from the VT-FMLI individual purchasing pool.
Below are the key highlights of VT-FMLI:
Covered Employers and Individuals
Eligibility to Take Leave
An employee who has worked for a covered employer an average of 30 hours per week for a year.
Qualified Reasons for Leave
Maximum Benefits Duration
Six weeks in a 12-month period.
(The VT-FMLI plans other than for the State of Vermont may be longer than the above duration. Details of the plan offerings have not yet been determined.)
Maximum Benefits Amount
60% of the employee's average weekly wages (capped at the Social Security Base Benefit Limit).
(The VT-FMLI plans other than for the State of Vermont may provide more benefits than the above percentage. Details of the plan offerings have not yet been determined.)